July 31, 2018: I am back on Midnight Writer News to discuss my new zine on Jonestown! The host, S T Patrick, also takes the opportunity to announce a new magazine dedicated to parapolitics, Deep Truth Journal.
June 17, 2018: My interview with Parallax View podcast JG Michaels is now available.
April 24, 2018: I gave a talk on MLK and RFK at
Woodlawn Pointe in San Antonio, Texas.
Woodlawn Pointe in San Antonio, Texas.

April 24, 2018: I spoke on the subject of the King and Bobby Kennedy assassinations in 1968 at the Living Church at Woodlawn Pointe at 7PM. It is a free event in which I would encourage people to come.
November 13, 2017: A new article on the JFK documents release features quotes from Jefferson Morley, John Newman, and myself from the interview with S T Patrick.

November 4, 2017: My interview with S T Patrick of Midnight Writer News is now up! We talk about the new JFK documents release, the origin of some of the tension between researchers, and my own experience in this field. We had a good rapport right away and I would recommend listening to this program anytime.
October 2, 2017: My latest interview with the Ochelli Effect is up!
August 20, 2017: My article on Nicholas Schou's book Spooked has appeared in Jim DiEugenio's KENNEDYS AND KING website.
July 4, 2017: Big news! Randy Benson's documentary THE SEARCHERS, which premiered last year at the Texas Theatre, will be available to stream on Amazon and Vimeo!
So excited and happy to see this film get distributed on these platforms. Randy has been working on this picture for some fifteen years. It does right by John Judge and the entire JFK research community.
So excited and happy to see this film get distributed on these platforms. Randy has been working on this picture for some fifteen years. It does right by John Judge and the entire JFK research community.
An interview I did with Randy Benson on the Hidden History Center website.
An interview Randy did with Rob Clark of the Lone Gunman Podcast.
An interview Randy did with Rob Clark of the Lone Gunman Podcast.

June 27, 2017: My review of Vince Palamara's latest book, The Not-So-Secret Service, has appeared in Jim DiEugenio's Kennedys and King website.
June 25, 2017: Kenn Thomas appeared on the program GROUND ZERO WITH CLYDE LEWIS to discuss the Maury Island incident and his new book TRUMPOCALYPSE NOW.
June 1, 2017: My latest appearance on Black Op Radio went extremely well. It was show # 837, and I was bookended by John Barbour and Dave Ratcliffe. It's always a pleasure to be on Len's show. I was there to talk about all the recent activity, especially the new John Judge book.
June 25, 2017: Kenn Thomas appeared on the program GROUND ZERO WITH CLYDE LEWIS to discuss the Maury Island incident and his new book TRUMPOCALYPSE NOW.
June 1, 2017: My latest appearance on Black Op Radio went extremely well. It was show # 837, and I was bookended by John Barbour and Dave Ratcliffe. It's always a pleasure to be on Len's show. I was there to talk about all the recent activity, especially the new John Judge book.

June 14, 2017: Kenn Thomas's new book TRUMPOCALYPSE NOW!
I have written the afterward to this brilliant book. I have been a fan of Thomas and Steamshovel Press for about twenty years, so it was already a bit surreal to have an article published in Steamshovel a couple of years ago and now I'm very proud to be associated with his newest work.
If you are unfamiliar with Kenn, take a look here and read The Octopus. He goes into places other writers won't always go, and gets into wilder areas then I might, but his work is endlessly fascinating.
He has also been very helpful and kind in the aftermath of John Judge's death, and with the Hidden History Center.
I have written the afterward to this brilliant book. I have been a fan of Thomas and Steamshovel Press for about twenty years, so it was already a bit surreal to have an article published in Steamshovel a couple of years ago and now I'm very proud to be associated with his newest work.
If you are unfamiliar with Kenn, take a look here and read The Octopus. He goes into places other writers won't always go, and gets into wilder areas then I might, but his work is endlessly fascinating.
He has also been very helpful and kind in the aftermath of John Judge's death, and with the Hidden History Center.
May 22, 2017: With proceeds benefiting the Hidden History Center, John Judge's collection Judge for Yourself is coming out in a version published by Say Something Real Press LLC and edited by me. It also features an introduction by David Ratcliffe and a forward by Kenn Thomas.
It's been a lot of work, and blood, sweat, and tears, but it makes me so proud to have this coming out. The cover art is by Martin Emmanuel Rangel. |
2May 29, 2017: On the occasion on what would have been JFK's 100th birthday, Ratical is hosting a newly hyperlinked and edited version of Vince Salandria's classic FALSE MYSTERY. Dave Ratcliffe did all the heavy lifting and deserves enormous credit for making this available for free to the general public. I merely designed the cover and did some background material for a couple of footnotes. I am honored to have been involved at all in this production, and remain a warm friend and fan of both Vince and Dave.
May 18, 2017: I am honored to be included in a new anthology by Tim Beckley of the Exploring the Bizarre radio program concerning the science-fiction author Philip K. Dick and the paranormal. With an introduction written by Tessa Dick (whose own radio show I've previously been a guest on), the book covers all sorts of fiction, non-fiction, and material inspired by his work. If you're not familiar with Philip K. Dick, his ideas have been adapted for the films Blade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report, Paycheck, A Scanner Darkly, Radio Free Albemuth, and the Amazon series The Man in the High Castle.
My own play The Dull are the Damned is cited in this extremely interesting collection. My play is loosely based on some elements from Dick's life, and the central character is called Phil. I have also written about Blade Runner in my first book, Dissenting Views. |
May 2017: Randy Benson's film THE SEARCHERS was shown at the Tiburon Film Festival! The film won the Orson Welles Award! Considering that the film was introduced by Welles biographer Joe McBride, this was apropos. Also on hand for the Q&A were Josiah Thompson and Dr. Gary Aguilar.
April 2017: My review of Antonio Veciana's new book Trained to Kill has appeared in Kennedys and King. |
February 21, 2017: Jim DiEugenio's website Kennedys and King has published a new introduction to my piece on Manning Marable's Malcolm X, as well as combining it with a fantastic article on Malcolm by Jim Douglass.
2017: Happy New Year! My wife and I spent New Year's Eve on the 22nd floor of the Hotel Palacio del Rio, attending a "party with a purpose." As board members of the Pride Center San Antonio, we were enjoying ourselves but also dedicated to the cause of getting a walk-in center for San Antonio.

My appearance on the Ochelli Effect is now up! Had a great time talking about the Hidden History Center among other topics.
Also find us on facebook at
And on twitter at @HiddnHistoryCtr
My appearance on the Ochelli Effect is now up! Had a great time talking about the Hidden History Center among other topics.
Also find us on facebook at
And on twitter at @HiddnHistoryCtr
DECEMBER 11: I will be appearing as a guest on The Ochelli Effect radio show live from 7 to 9 PM CT.
DECEMBER 9: My wife is having a book signing at the Twig bookstore in San Antonio! Come meet her and get a copy of The Revolution Will Include Cookies signed!
DECEMBER 8: My overview of Randy Benson's The Searchers is now available on Jim DiEugenio's Kennedys and King site.
DECEMBER 1: The former CTKA website has become Kennedys and King and gotten a very nice makeover! There are also author bios for the various contributors, including myself.
DECEMBER 1: The former CTKA website has become Kennedys and King and gotten a very nice makeover! There are also author bios for the various contributors, including myself.
The Searchers has a trailer now!
COMING THIS NOVEMBER 19 & 21: My good friend Randy Benson, who teaches at the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University, will be debuting his new film The Searchers at the Texas Theatre and at a JFK conference. I will be attending both screenings and assisting him as needed. Professor Benson wrote the foreword to my book Dissenting Views II.
The film includes interviews with John Judge, Mark Lane, Jim DiEugenio, Lisa Pease, Robert Groden, Josiah Thompson, Jim Marrs, and many others. I've seen versions of the film over the years and it promises to be a can't-miss experience. Get down to Dallas and see this doc. You won't regret it.
The film includes interviews with John Judge, Mark Lane, Jim DiEugenio, Lisa Pease, Robert Groden, Josiah Thompson, Jim Marrs, and many others. I've seen versions of the film over the years and it promises to be a can't-miss experience. Get down to Dallas and see this doc. You won't regret it.
October 3, 2016: The San Antonio Pride Center board has been updated to show my wife and I on it. I am presently hard at work editing the John Judge collection and hope to have it ready for later this year.
September 21, 2016: Had a terrific breakfast meeting with Adam Szymkowicz, a playwright who has been asked to write a play for Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. Also at the meeting were several young people involved with the theatre program at TSU and who are also members of the Dramatist Guild. Thanks to playwright Sheila Rinar for making it all happen!
September 21, 2016: Had a terrific breakfast meeting with Adam Szymkowicz, a playwright who has been asked to write a play for Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. Also at the meeting were several young people involved with the theatre program at TSU and who are also members of the Dramatist Guild. Thanks to playwright Sheila Rinar for making it all happen!

September 19, 2016: Ever done a word search for potential JFK assassins? Ever done a word search for potential JFK assassins that didn't include Lee Harvey Oswald? Here's your chance. THE CONSPIRACY FUN BOOK is now available in print from Microcosm Press! Try it, you'll like it. It's roughly the price of a cup of coffee these days - $4. You can't beat that.
September 12, 2016: My wife and I now serve on the Board of Directors of Pride Center San Antonio. I'm very pleased to be able to help the community this way.

August 16 2016: THE CONSPIRACY FUN BOOK is now available as a PDF download! Featured on Etsy, and published through SAY SOMETHING REAL, this is a short book with word games, puzzles, and information about deep, and deeply troubling, political truths.
July 23 2016: I spoke on a panel with Carlos Flores and Dr. Kent Quaney at the Gemini Ink literary conference in San Antonio, Texas.
Link: |
July 8 2016: My play collection THE VERY WRATH OF LOVE has gotten a make over! And yeah, those are my wife's legs. I know, right?
July 21-24 2016: I have been invited to speak on a panel at the Gemini Ink conference in San Antonio. The topic is publishing in the 21st century, and will also feature noted Chicano novelist Carlos Flores (Sex as a Political Condition). So come out and meet me if you like. I will also be signing copies of my books.
July 1 2016: The publishing house my wife and I started, Say Something Real LLC, has announced its first two projects!

May 14 2016: THE VAPOURS reviewed in the San Antonio Express News
May 13 2016: THE VAPOURS opens!
Check out the trailer:
Get tickets here:
May 13 2016: THE VAPOURS opens!
Check out the trailer:
Get tickets here:

April 28, 2016: I was a guest again on the Black Op Radio program, this time talking about John Judge, two years after his passing. A somber topic, but more people need to find out about JJ.
Possible Panel: my friend, the novelist Carlos Flores, has asked me to be on a panel with him at the Gemini Writer's Conference in San Antonio. We won't know for a bit, but if it happens I will be on the panel, about navigating the 21st century publishing world, the weekend of July 21st.
April 6, 2016: Rehearsals continue for THE VAPOURS. The cast is now set and will consist of:
Gina Hughes as Judith
Liz Vermeulen as Cristabel
Steven Mortimer as Thierry
Chris Kelly as Hatch
Nick Lemos as the Devil
The first reading was fantastic and I am over the moon about this cast. Chris Kelly was, of course, the very first Max P Twinkle from CLOWNTIME IS OVER.
March 12-13 2016: Auditions for THE VAPOURS went very well and there were a number of terrific actors doing scenes. I am still waiting for the final results but it was exciting to be a part of the process.
Gina Hughes as Judith
Liz Vermeulen as Cristabel
Steven Mortimer as Thierry
Chris Kelly as Hatch
Nick Lemos as the Devil
The first reading was fantastic and I am over the moon about this cast. Chris Kelly was, of course, the very first Max P Twinkle from CLOWNTIME IS OVER.
March 12-13 2016: Auditions for THE VAPOURS went very well and there were a number of terrific actors doing scenes. I am still waiting for the final results but it was exciting to be a part of the process.
February 1 2016: The MadLab production of CLOWNTIME IS OVER was nominated for five Theatre Roundtable Awards!
Nominations: Outstanding Production, Best Actor (Andy Batt), Best Supporting Actor (Stephen Woolsey), Best Director (Andy Batt), and Best Makeup.
Although we lost in the Production category, it was to a production of Master Class by Terence McNally, so I can hardly raise a fuss over that. McNally is a brilliant playwright, an influence on my own work, and the play had already gone to Broadway. We carried away one win, for Makeup.
Nominations: Outstanding Production, Best Actor (Andy Batt), Best Supporting Actor (Stephen Woolsey), Best Director (Andy Batt), and Best Makeup.
Although we lost in the Production category, it was to a production of Master Class by Terence McNally, so I can hardly raise a fuss over that. McNally is a brilliant playwright, an influence on my own work, and the play had already gone to Broadway. We carried away one win, for Makeup.

My newest play, THE VAPOURS, will be produced in 2016! I have been advised by the Overtime Theater that we can expect a full production coming May 2016 and running through to June.
I have also been advised that Eddie Wise will be directing, who also did the first production of Clowntime. I am very excited to go through this process again and to see the play performed!
I have also been advised that Eddie Wise will be directing, who also did the first production of Clowntime. I am very excited to go through this process again and to see the play performed!
I have been advised that my play CLOWNTIME IS OVER will be adapted for use in a UIL One-Act by Memorial High School! Liz Vermuelen is supervising the adaptation and performance, which will happen in early March 2016 at the Edgewood Theatre of the Performing Arts. It's exciting to see Clowntime getting out to the kids in this production, after the productions at the Overtime and MadLab.

On January 9, 2016, my obituary regarding the legendary researcher Bill Turner appeared in Russ Baker's WhoWhatWhy site.
On December 28, 2015, I made an appearance on GROUND ZERO WITH CLYDE LEWIS.
This was a ton of fun and Lewis is a hell of a talker.
This was a ton of fun and Lewis is a hell of a talker.

I had a book signing for DISSENTING VIEWS and DISSENTING VIEWS II at the Austin Half-Price Books on N Lamar. It happened on December 5, 2015 and we all had a great time.
Read about the details here.
Thanks to Joyce Tamayo for designing the "Meet the Author" sign and to my wife Faith for getting it printed and organizing the signing!
I had a book signing for DISSENTING VIEWS and DISSENTING VIEWS II at the Austin Half-Price Books on N Lamar. It happened on December 5, 2015 and we all had a great time.
Read about the details here.
Thanks to Joyce Tamayo for designing the "Meet the Author" sign and to my wife Faith for getting it printed and organizing the signing!
October 1: DISSENTING VIEWS is re-released! This new version contains two bonus essays, one on making the film KING KILL 63 and one on The MLK 10-Point Program, which is available as a free download on this website. All for a lower price point than the original.
As with DISSENTING VIEWS II, this is also available in a Kindle version: DV1 - Kindle DV2 - Kindle |
CLOWNTIME IS OVER was filmed by the director Eddie Wise during the original January 2014 performance, and now appears on Vimeo for the first time. Additionally, Eddie and I recorded a commentary for the recording, which can also be heard now.
My newest play, The Vapours, is now on sale! "Cristabel Cuellar visits a lonely town in the Pacific Northwest ostensibly to investigate an auto accident, but in fact she's looking for signs of the Hollow Earth. Her claimant, Judith, has been having nightmares of a devilish figure who takes her on a tour of the Underworld. Together they go on a journey that will change their lives forever. A new full-length play by the author of CLOWNTIME IS OVER and EINSTEIN'S WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING, THE VAPOURS covers esoteric territory in the context of a thriller in which digging too deeply may uncover literal monsters." |
August 24, 2015: I made an appearance on Rob Clark's THE LONE GUNMAN podcast. Rob is a terrific interviewer and this is one of the more JFK-centric interviews I've done.
August 20, 2015: My play CLOWNTIME IS OVER opens in Columbus, OH at MadLab! Tickets available now!
The Columbus Dispatch wrote a terrific preview of the play.
August 8, 2015: Got married!! This is who I married.
July 24, 2015: I made an appearance on Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, a syndicated radio program with a wide audience. Had a great time speaking on recent and past history with Clyde.
July 23, 2015: I made an appearance on The Ochelli Effect radio program. This was a fantastic experience, as the host was extremely professional and knowledgeable and we had a really good conversation. It also led, through Chuck's recommendation, to my landing on Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis.
June 25, 2015: I reviewed Carlos Nicolas Flores's novel SEX AS A POLITICAL CONDITION for Out in SA Magazine.
04/19/2015: KING KILL 63 makes its world premiere at the DALLAS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL! We could not have wished for a more perfect venue than the Texas Theater.
DIRECTOR Ryan Page SCREENWRITER Joseph Green, James Page, Ryan Page PRODUCER William Becker, Kimberly Estrada, Ryan Page EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Per Huffeldt CINEMATOGRAPHER Michael Dwyer EDITOR Ulysses Bertch FEATURING Oliver Stone, Robert Groden, Richard Belzer, Dr. Cyril Wecht, Dick Gregory, Gov. Jesse Ventura, Dick Russell, Joseph McBride, Carrie Christoffersen, Vincent Palamara, Jim Leavelle, James DiEugenio 03/14/2015: publication of my new play, EINSTEIN'S WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING 02/12/2015: Article "The Devil and Dr. Perry" available electronically in Steamshovel Press 12/12/2014: Article on John Willie's Bizarre appears in Out in SA Magazine online |